If you want to give yourself the best opportunity to have a successful surgery, you’ll want to be prepared, informed and ready to start your rehab when cleared by the doctor. But in order to set and manage expectations prior to surgery, you have to know what you’re getting into, and that involves asking questions. Today, we share five questions you should ask your surgeon before pancreas surgery, and we explain why they are important questions to ask.
What are all of my treatment options?
This is an important question to lead off with because it lays all your options out on the table. Some conditions may be able to be treated non-operatively, while others, like tumors and cancers, need to be operated on as soon as possible for the best outcomes. If surgery is needed ask about what surgical options are available.
What do you recommend, and why?
Ultimately the decision about your care is up to you, but it’s important to pick the brain of the surgeon and the operating team. Be sure to ask the second part of this question as well. A doctor should be able to explain your options, share his opinion, and explain why he or she believes this is the best route for you. This will ensure your priorities – whether they be cost, invasiveness of a procedure, risks or recovery – are aligned with the mindset of the surgeon.
What risks are involved with the operation?
Even the most minor surgery carries risk, and pancreatic surgery is no different. Ask about your risks during the operation, in the days after the surgery, and the long-term risks. This allows you to set expectations and begin planning your life after surgery. You can also ask if there is anything you can do in the days and weeks leading up to your operation to improve the likelihood of a complication-free surgery.
How often have you performed the surgery, and how do you expect my operation to play out?
This is technically two different questions, but they go hand in hand. You want to ensure you are in trusted hands, so you’ll want to ask about the surgeon’s experience with your specific condition. Don’t just ask them if they’ve removed pancreatic cancer before, ask if they performed the operation on a pancreas in a similar stage or with a cancer in a similar location. No two surgeries are exactly the same, but you want someone who is very familiar with the exact operation. Once they’ve spoke to their experience, ask them how they see the operation and rehab playing out. An honest surgeon will be open about their thoughts on the procedure, and even if the news isn’t great, it will help you manage your expectations.
What can I expect after pancreas surgery?
This is a good question to close with. This will allow the surgeon to speak about your rehab and explain what life will be like after your specific operation. This will allow you to understand when you might be able to return to work or how long you’ll need to rehab after you’re discharged. It can be easy to focus on the operation itself, but don’t forget to ask about life after pancreas surgery.
If you have any other questions to ask, don’t hesitate to contact a pancreas surgeon today!